Larrakeyah Primary School Our school our future

School News

Posted on 19 August, 2020

Visible Learning- 2 Dowling

Learning Intention: We are learning to research a topic to teach the class. Success Criteria: I can research my topic using books and I can save an image from the internet In Year 2 Dowling, we have been researching our chosen topics to present for Show and Teach. We have been using non-fiction…

Posted on 19 August, 2020

Maths Focus- 6 Searle

Learning Intention: Students conduct chance experiments with increasing probability. Success Criteria: Students predict expected results and conduct experiments to test their prediction. Students present the results of their testing. The class determined the options available for playing heads and tails…

Posted on 19 August, 2020

Writing Focus- 3 Lawler

Learning Intention - We are learning to use topic specific vocabulary and paragraphs in our writing. Success Criteria - We can use topic specific vocabulary and separate our ideas into paragraphs in our information reports. This term, 3 Lawler are exploring informative texts. We have distinguished what…

Posted on 13 August, 2020

Mathematics at Larrakeyah Primary School

The subject of Mathematics was identified as a major focus. Today, let's take a look at Mathematics at Larrakeyah Primary School; how teachers program mathematics, how Mathematics is taught, what a typical lesson structure looks like, what resources are used, how data is used to improve the teaching of mathematics and the learning outcomes of students.

Posted in School Programs
Posted on 05 August, 2020

Visible Learning- 6 Searle

During maths this week, Team 22 have been learning how to calculate the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes. We used Tangram pieces to trace regular shapes and then joined pieces together to create and trace irregular shapes. The next task was to measure the perimeters in millimetres and…

Posted on 05 August, 2020

Writing Focus- Transition Bostock

Learning Intention: I can write a recount about past events. Success Criteria: I can record the sounds I hear (sounding out). I can include who, what, when, where and how. Throughout the year, Transition Bostock students have been developing their ability to construct a recount of past events.Our three…

Posted on 05 August, 2020

Maths Focus- 4/5 Smart

Learning Intention: We are learning to use variables and expressions to solve problems Success Criteria:  I can look for, use and explain patterns  I can show my working out  I can use variables and algebraic expressions in a table

Posted on 30 July, 2020

Larrakeyah Primary School: The Master Plan

The Master Plan sets out the School Board’s Vision for Larrakeyah Primary School into the future. Upon completion it will improve the quality of the learning environment and facilitate the achievement of the school’s long term objectives as determined by the school’s pedagogy and educational vision.

Posted in Announcements

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Front Office: 08:00 AM - 3:30 PM

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