Larrakeyah Primary School Our school our future
School News
Posted on 29 October, 2020

Writing Focus- 3 Marschall

In 3 Marschall we are exploring all types of poetry and the elements that make up a good poem. We are also learning how to perform our own poetry to a group of people in a way that is engaging and exciting! We have had a lot of fun writing and performing funny and entertaining limericks about ourselves, our school, our friends, our teachers, and our families. We are poets that now know it!

LI: We are learning to write limericks.

SC: My humorous limerick has followed the rhyming structure of AABBA with the correct number of syllables in each line.

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and after school (2:45 PM - 3:00 PM).

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Front Office: 08:00 AM - 3:30 PM

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