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Posted on 13 May, 2021 in School Programs

Online NAPLAN Testing at Larrakeyah Primary

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy assessment, otherwise known as NAPLAN – testing is well underway at Larrakeyah Primary and will continue until 21 May 2021.

NAPLAN is made up of tests in four key areas:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
  • Numeracy

Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are tested on the literacy and numeracy skills they develop during their regular classroom learning under our school curriculum. It’s a national, consistent measure to determine whether or not students are meeting important educational outcomes and shows us any particular areas we need to focus on.

Tailored Testing Online

For the first time in Larrakeyah Primary’s history, NAPLAN is being conducted entirely online. While this might not seem like such a big deal in our digital world, the online test gives better access to the test for students with disabilities and special needs.

As well as benefits for our diverse student group, online NAPLAN includes ‘tailored testing’ which matches students to questions within their skillset based on their performance in the test.

If a child struggles with early questions, their remaining test questions will be less complex and challenging. If a child performs really well in their early questions, their following questions will be more complex. The test adjusts to suit the child’s performance throughout the test allowing them to demonstrate their skills successfully.

Tailored testing is simply not possible on a paper-based test so this is an exciting development, helping to boost student confidence as they work through the test and bringing NAPLAN in line with many other online learning and testing programs we use here at Larrakeyah.

Preparing for the next NAPLAN

While NAPLAN is well underway for this year, in preparation for next time, there are some things to remember. There’s no need for your child to excessively cram for NAPLAN. NAPLAN tests literacy and numeracy skills that students have already developed as part of their daily classroom learning, so if your child comes to school every day and tries their best, they’ll be fine.

It’s normal for students to experience some anxiety when faced with tests so there are some things you can do to help make them feel more confident:

  • reassure your child that NAPLAN tests are all just part of their school program
  • look up past NAPLAN test questions and answers to make them familiar with what questions may be asked or visit the NAPLAN Online public demonstration site
  • encourage your child to simply do the best they can on the day.

Where to from here?

While you await the results, it’s important to remind your child that the NAPLAN assessment isn’t the be-all and end-all. While it helps us plan for their learning, they won’t even notice any difference.

At Larrakeyah Primary School, we take pride in our excellent NAPLAN results and how we respond to those results. Your children’s teachers already know where your children are in their skill development so this is extra data we can use to make sure we’re preparing our students for the bright and exciting futures ahead of them.

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