Larrakeyah Primary School Our school our future
School News
Posted on 08 November, 2018 in School Programs

How Extra-Curricular Activity Enhances Student Learning

Term 4 sees the continuation of our highly successful Extra-Curricular Activity Program. Each term, students have the opportunity to enrol in a variety of afterschool activities that aim to develop their skills beyond classroom learning.

“to provide a positive and supportive learning environment that encourages students to strive for high academic success. We aim to instil a desire for life-long learning and to promote leadership and responsible citizenship.”

In participating in the Larrakeyah Primary Extra-Curricular Activity Program students have a unique opportunity to grow as individuals, experience new things, and support their academic success through skill development.

At Larrakeyah, afterschool activities aim to improve student development across three major categories; Knowledge, The Arts, and Physical.

In Term 4 2018 our students can choose to participate in:

  • Bollywood Dancing
  • Ball Skills
  • Tennis
  • Ballet
  • Ice Skating
  • Golf Tuition
  • Squash
  • 3D Art & Craft
  • STEM
  • Chess

Benefits of Extra-Curricular Activity

In the development of our Extra-Curricular Activity Program, our leadership team aims to capitalize on the clear benefits that participation in afterschool activities can provide.

Some parents and students may be concerned that extra-curricular activities may take time away from school work and hinder academic performance. Numerous studies have shown that students who participate actually tend to perform better in the classroom.

In addition to learning new skills, students who regularly participate in extra-curricular activity also see improved concentration and focus, time management skills, and ability to work effectively both as individuals and part of a team.

Higher self-esteem and confidence

Providing a supportive environment to try, learn, and master new skills outside of the classroom lets students develop in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

As primary school students grow they begin to develop passions and interests. Extra-curricular activities can help them discover those passions by giving them the opportunity to try new things.

Students who see their own success in activities they’re passionate about grow in self confidence. Subsequently, that improved confidence transfers to academic learning and helps students apply themselves in the classroom.

Developing essential life skills

In choosing to provide activities across Knowledge, The Arts, and Physical Larrakeyah Primary is supporting the holistic development of students.

In addition to improving academic performance, the Extra-Curricular Activities Program helps students develop essential life skills, such as:

  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership and public speaking
  • Analytical and creative thinking
  • Goal setting

The more students participate in extra-curricular activities the more they develop these skills (and more) that will serve them throughout their professional and personal lives.

Learn more about our Extra-Curricular Activities Program

Check out the Programs section for complete information on the  Extra-Curricular Activity Program as well as the variety of other programs offered at Larrakeyah Primary School.

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and after school (2:45 PM - 3:00 PM).

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